Hi everyone, I can't believe that summer is gone and we are back to announcing matches and whatever. Anyway, the Ottawa Valley Golden Retriever Club is hosting 3 matches before the Obedience...

Hi everyone, This is just a reminder that Chris Zinc will be in Ottawa on November 9,10, 2013. The flyer will provide you with most of the information you will need. The registration form and...

Have you ever asked yourself the following questions:  How do I get rid of food before I trial?  Why is my dog perfect when I am training but looks like he has never seen the exercises before, when...

Hi everyone, Some of you may remember that Sarah Kalnajs, a certified dog behaviourist was to come to Ottawa a year or so ago and she injured herself and was unable to attend. Some of you may not...

Hi everybody, Donna Lahaise, the OVGRC obedience trial secretary, is in the hospital so will not be sending out trial confirmations in the next couple of days. If you entered the OVGRC trials, be...